Have you found yourself yet? This is the most critical think in the world when you start to change your life!! You have desire to know yourself and redefine and find yourself daily. As a survivor of domestic violence I believed everything that my abuser told me. I believed it- I repeated it- and I lived it ! I believed it to be true!!! I mean, he said he loved me and he told me these things every single day!!! Afterwards, when I took the time to actually look at myself- to hear what I was thinking - and this is crucial as well- YOU HAVE TO HEAR YOURSELF... This is your opportunity to find yourself and to decide how you want to live your life from this point on! Recreate and give yourself new words - find yourself!! When you find yourself...it is an amazing feeling...when you realize your worth...who you are...why you are...and you become yourself...there is no better feeling in the world.. So have you found yourself yet ? #findyourself #whoareyou #befearless #befearlessbefree #knowyourselfworth#knowyourself
AuthorHey guys!! I am J’Anmetra Waddell the ONLY Live Past Crazy Specialist. Archives
April 2019