Recently, on the Fearless Morning Show I shared the importance of knowing what is in your circle of influence and what is in your circle if concern.
I learned this concept when reading -The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. He said that we spend 80% of our time in our circle of concern- that is an area that we can do nothing about!! We only use 20% of our time in our circle of influence- and those are the things that we can have an immediate impact on! What if we TODAY- focused on our circle of influence instead of our circle of concern? Want to catch the show- CLICK HERE FOR THE REPLAY Do you still have questions about your circle of concern? Click on the link below to grab you a copy! REMEMBER to SHARE- because sharing is caring!!
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"Only in the fever of creation could she recreate her own lost life"
I read this in a book yesterday and I had to immediately stop and write it down... it was just that ... profound to me... Let’s think about this for a minute (SIDE NOTE: I discussed this more during the Fearless Morning Show-Make sure to catch the replay), when was the last time you were really mad- and immediately changed the way you did something, or changed your situation? EXACTLY...Immediately ! This quote is basically telling us- that when we are upset- with the creation of our current lives- when we are mad as hell- and refuse to go another step further in the craziness of the life that we currently have- WE RECREATE OUR OWN LIFE! Yes, it our life was lost to us -because we carry the titles, the names, the accolade's, mother, sister, daughter, friend, cousin, aunt, grandmother, worker, wife, church leader, community person and the list could literally go on forever.. but somewhere along the way we lost ourselves... it is time to take time to RECREATE OUR OWN LIFE... I will leave you with the another passage from the book- something for you to think on... “If we do not claim our full human dignity, do not find our purpose and awaken our sacred dreams, we will pass the loss of ourselves down to the generation that comes after us... “ The Awakened Woman What loss are you passing down to your children? Your family? Will the loss be generational? Will they ever know another life -other than the one you told them they could not have? I encourage you today- to get mad as hell... turn red...cry.. scream.. shout..and absolute refuse to continue in the chaos of the craziness that holds you bound to your current reality. It is in that reality- my sista- that you can RECREATE YOUR OWN LOST LIFE! I AM MY SISTERS KEEPER #sisterskeeper #sisters #africanamericanwomen #women #selflove #crazy #befearless #familyrights #familytradtion #traditions #hurt #abuse #mindset #positivemind Domestic Violence is REAL and EVERY WHERE..
Just a few minutes ago - walking out of the local grocery story- we see a man hitting the woman he is with in the face- and as a group of people walk by and gather around- ONLY ONE SMALL lady yells- NO STOP- CALL 911. I asked one man to please help her- I am just a girl- I can't fight a man- and he just looks at us and goes into the store.. I get in the car- after I throw my groceries in- and I follow them- and as he is driving off- he grabs her- and chocks her and slams her head into the window- and by this time- he is almost hitting other cars- I call 911- and follow them down the straight- as he proceeds to continue to hit her- and finally the police surround the car- and escort her out safely- and handcuff him.... IT IS YOUR BUSINESS.. YOU DO NOT JUST LOOK - YOU MUST REPORT IT. For me- this was a serious trigger- I remember when my abuser- did the same thing to me- and it lasted the entire drive home- and no one- sitting at the light with us- stopped to help me- call 911- or anything- even though I was begging for someone to please help me... I am my sisters keeper - I will report abuse when I see it! It makes me think- to my brothers- where did we go wrong- that your anger is so great- that the only resolution is to physically take it out on someone else? Was it when you were growing up- and they told you to hold your emotions inside? Was it when you saw your father hit your mother? Or was it when you saw your mother- take the abuse from your father? It bothers me that I don't know the answer to this question- it bothers me- that my brothers are hurting my sisters- it bothers me... it angers me- it makes me sad- it makes me cry- it makes me remember the taste of my own blood in mouth- and the swelling of my eye- and the I remember the last thoughts I had before I blacked out because he was chocking me... Today- I know that I survived it- but when its fresh- when it just happened- you don't know that you will live the next second- you don't know how you feel- you don't know - you just don't... and that is why- it is my purpose -to be my sisters keeper- to tell her- she will survive- there is life after crazy - there is life after abuse- there is life period- and it is sweet- and fun- and crazy- and free... and it is my soul purpose to make sure I share that with every woman who may need to know- and I will tell her everyday- until she believes it at her core- that she is beautiful- she is amazing- she is whatever the hell she wants to be. ... and I will be there with her- every step of the way.. If you see abuse- please report it- someones life depends on it! If you are being abused -please call for help- the first step is always the hardest...the scariest.. but if you just breath- you can do it If you are the abuser- please seek help- there are other ways to handle anger... Hey guys!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! 2019 is finally here and I am so excited for things to come! If you watch the Fearless Morning Show- you know I am all about having Confessions and Conversations all the time. So I today I want to share how crazy found me the last three months of the year ! First, we had a death in our family every month from October to December 26th, 2018- not including my daughters best friend passing away ! As a mother I want to comfort and make everything better for my child- but unfortunately this was an event that the only thing I could do was hold her! As I struggled with losing some of my close family (Aunts, Uncles), life in general was still taking place- work had to be done, jobs had to be done, family still needed me- and by Christmas I was for sure at my point of no return! However, once I noticed that CRAZY of life was creeping back in- I quickly went back to my basics!! I am sharing my 5 Steps to Live Past Crazy - January 16th at 7pm and Early Bird Tickets are on sale now for $9.99!!! I invite you to join me- as I share how I used my 5 step process to stop the crazy in my life and how you can use these same steps to help you Live Past Crazy!! You have to find your happy place. Life can become challenging and there will always be an urgent "something" that you need to take care of.
Think about this- when was the last time that you actually did something that made you smile- or giggle? When was the last time you played in the rain? For me- it is going to the park- and swinging!! I will wait patiently in line behind the other kids- until it is my turn- and then I AM NEVER GETTING OFF!!! I kick me feet- I through my hair back - I laugh- I giggle- I am releasing my stress- and enjoying something for myself!! I encourage you to find one thing that you love to do- that brings you joy!! It is difficult and stressful to live other peoples happiness and dreams- while you are slowly dying !! BE FREE- laugh.. please- your life depends on it!! My Penny Story!
After I left my abuser, life was difficult! I was challenged with finding food for me and the girls and often I went without eating so that they could eat. There was an organization, ‘From Jesus with Love’, that once a week you could go into their facilities and for $3.00 you would be prayed for and then you could continue to take anything that you carry in your hands. My first couple of times going, I didn’t get a lot because I had to carry a 3-month-old and my 7yr old could only carry a little. I was well prepared the next time we went! The baby was in a stroller and me and my oldest daughter had on backpacks for the front and back and we filled it up with everything that we could. Often, I didn’t even have the $3.00 to get in and so during the week if I ever found change on the ground I would pick it up. Pennies made all the difference in the world! I either had $2.99 and could not get food or I had $3.00 and I was able to feed my children. A couple of months ago I told my penny story, and I heard someone say – why would she tell that story? It’s embarrassing. I walked away feeling sad because I tell my story with the sole purpose of helping someone along the way and that I can pass along hope, determination and the will to keep going. The next morning on the way to my office, I always stop at the chapel and pray and there is never anyone in there because its early in the morning. This morning, I go in there and I have my had down as I set my mind to be quiet and as I near the alter I notice something shiny and when I finally get to the alter- there is a penny laying there- it looks brand new! Before I touch it, I look around the small area and there is no one in there- just me. I bend down on my knees and I start to cry, and I thank God for the small reminder that pennies do matter, and that ONE PENNY can make all the difference in the world!! Go out today and be a PENNY for someone... make the difference that the world needs! Compliment Your Sister
Today is national Compliment Your Sister Day- Please tell a sister that you love them... tell them they are beautiful let them know they are special and that they are truly one of a kind and there is absolutely no one like them. I have often complimented sister (women in general) and have received a look of awe and shock -as if did you really say that to me. I seek out a woman who seems to need that encouragement for the day. I tell the woman who seems to be in a hurry- so that she can slow down and think about what i said and watch the smile come across her face. I compliment you today my sisters you are beautiful, amazing, I love your dress, I love your shoes, your smile is bright and your energy is inviting- wear yourself- you are.. YOU... Your beautiful Your the best Your amazing Your brilliant You are loved You are love You are light You are my sister---- you are !!! COMOPLIMENT A SISTER TODAY !!! As a kid I loved to sing and dance and I did it without any thought of the outside world!
Until one day someone told me I couldn't sing and I had no rhythm and just like that.... I stopped singing and dancing and became self-conscious of myself... and I altered MY DREAM because of what somebody else said!! Last weekend... I sang and dance until I was exhausted !! I have never felt so free and so ME... Don't be like me and let someone take your dream!! Dream on my friends... dream on!!! #dreamon #dreamondreamer #befearlessbefree #befearless #dreamstealers #danceintherain #singoutloud #singasong #dreamscometrue #iamasinger #iamadreamer #kiddreams #ballet #gymnastics #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealth |
AuthorHey guys!! I am J’Anmetra Waddell the ONLY Live Past Crazy Specialist. Archives
April 2019