I'm starting with the man in the mirror !! Remember that song? Go ahead and sing it..
. . In every transition in life- when I have come to the realization that I needed to move to a different level- It meant something inside of me began to change. . My first transition was one I left my first husband-- and then I started my MBA and I cut all of my hair off- . Then I found out that I had alopecia- and all of my hair fell out- and I rocked a bald head for years. . When I became serious about my business- I changed again...- . I am the author of 3 books, been in 2 movies, countless radio shows, a TV show, articles, mother of two girls, business owner of a nonprofit and a business..... . I am finding myself at the cross roads of change again- I don’t know if I can explain it, if I can put it into words, it is a feeling- it is a pulling a tugging at me –that something must change in order for me to change- so I started as always with my mindset, and my thought process, and now I am ready for the next phase!! . I am changing and I need all of me has to change- not only from the inside but from out appearance – and I am coming to the realization that my outside HAS to match my inside if it does not then I am not becoming fully who I want to be- who I am becoming- who I am… so as I start on this new journey- and work on my fearless journey- I embrace this change . oh my it is taking my breath away as I write this right now. I am excited, scared, happy, intrigued- I am beyond ready to learn this new me- to embrace me- to tell me- girl you are one bad chica… you made it. . Its ok to live in goodness... and to stop looking for less and looking for lack… you are what you were looking for... Be at peace… we welcome you to you- #beyourchange #befearlessinthepursuitofwhatsetsyoursoulonfire #befearless #motvationalwednesday #mentalhealth #maninthemirror #lookinside #changeiscoming #crossroads #decisionsarecrucial #wisedecisions #peace✌️ #excitedaboutlife #excitedaboutthefuture #futurewinner #imawinner
I had to think my way out of depression!!
In the beginning it was a deadly process, a daily struggle! The thing about depression- as a survivor of domestic violence- is that it never shows on my face! See I was great at hiding all the time- what I was feeling, what I was thinking, what I was processing. My abuser taught me well- to put on a good face for the world ! So when I left, I felt like I need to continue to do that. I smiled, I laughed, I played and seemingly had a great time! After reading Joyce Meyers "Battlefield of the Mind" I knew I had to do something about my mental state of health! I took time to place positive quotes and affirmations EVERY WHERE.- and I listened to them ALL THE TIME.. until eventually they replaced all the negative the thoughts with positive ones! You have to trust the process when it comes to starting your life over ! You are so worth it my friend! Trust me from a woman who didn't look in a mirror for over a year after I left my abuser... you are worth it!! #domesticviolence #befearless #befearlessbefree mentalhealthawareness #depressionisreal #positivethougths #yourworthit #battlefieldofthemind #joycemeyers #depression #mentalhealthwarrior Some days we are holding it together by a single thread... but trust me...the thread is beautiful.
We will not always get it right...or on time..or even hit the mark... The important thing is that we showed up...we participated...and we gave it our best. HAPPY WEDNESDAY ...NOW GO AHEAD AND TIGHTEN THAT THREAD UP !! #threading #sewingproject #befearless #befree🍃 #transformationfriday #motivationlife #postivethoughts #survivor #domesticviolence #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthawareness #confidennceiskey #confidencequotes What title are you giving up this marvelous Saturday?
We have so many titles...take off the ones you don't NEED to carry. There is difference between choosing a title and carrying a title... Some titles we didn't ask for... we don't need and they hurt us more than help us. Today let go of a title that doesn't serve you? That brings you down...let it go...throw it away.. Pick another title to replace it like Princess...queen...you know anything majestic should work !! Lol Happy Wed guys. #majestic #titlesong #newnamea #titles #imanewperson #befearlessbefree #befearless #transformar #menthealth #mentalhealthwarrior #postivevibes #positivethoughts Life changes!!! Keep grinning !!
So I have Alopecia and for years I was completely bald and I had to learn to adjust to that. In that process I learned a great deal about myself. Who I as , Who I wasn't and I realized I was survivor in many ways !!! My hair grew back and I 've had to adjust to that as well. Just like my hair loss and growth... regardless... you have to keep smiling.. your ALIVE!!! As my grandpa would say- Your on this side of the living be happy gal!!! Be happy guys- hair or no hair !! Happy Sunday!!! p.s. I grew my hair back with my own products... www.bareyourhair.com #lifechanges #alopecia #alopeciaareata #thinninghair #domesticviolencesurvivor #domesticviolence #befearlessinlife #efearless #keepgrowing #keepsmiling #mentalheathwarrior After the recent causalities of deaths occurring in the workplace now is a perfect time for you to be asking your employer about your Violence in The Workplace Policy. This week - twice we saw in the news examples of what can happen at your place of employment. First there was the guy in Miami who killed two of his managers because he was dismissed from his job and second, was the young lady who was murdered by her husband and the innocent children who were hurt. So let me give you a few quick tips to help you get informed about violence in the workplace and your organizations role. First, it is your organizations responsibility to provide you with a safe working enviornment. Your policy should be listed in your employee handbook and if it does not have a section of it's own it should be listed under the Safety section. They should provide you with information on how the process works, how to report it and who torpor it too. If it is not in your handbook it should be posted in your bulletin area (usually where the list your tax and right to work information ) Now if all else fails and its not posted or in your handbook your employee should be providing annually verbal training- at which at the end of the training you should be presented with an acknowledgement form for you to sign and a short form of the policy. Your HR person has to keep this on file until the next year. If you are a victim of domestic violence and you are actively in an abusive situation and your abuser has threatened to show up at work to hurt you or others - you need to report it to your management team. I have been there...and I know that is the last thing that you want to do is to let your employers know about your personal life. However, we have to be mindful that at this point its not only our lives but the lives of others that are at risk. OSHA provides a great definition of what workplace violence- quoted directly from their site What is workplace violence?Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can affect and involve employees, clients, customers and visitors. However it manifests itself, workplace violence is a major concern for employers and employees nationwide. (https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/workplaceviolence/) www.osha.gov/SLTC/workplaceviolence/ OSHA also provides a worksheet of signs to be on the look out for- you can find it here.. https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/workplaceviolence/ Links the the articles can be found here: Worker kills employer http://nypost.com/2017/04/09/fired-gym-employee-who-killed-two-managers-had-violent-past/ Abuser kills wife http://www.nbc-2.com/story/35118188/veteran-kills-wife-at-california-school-after-making-threats I would love to hear your thoughts about this and what can be done to prevent violence in the workplace!!! Do you need help writing your Violence in The Workplace Policy? Or perhaps you are looking for someone to educate your management team and your staff. Please contact me at [email protected] and I would love to schedule a time for us to speak REMEMBER TO SHARE THIS POST!!! Recently, I visited a website that had just some awesome resources and information- for not only victims of Domestic Violence but also survivors!
Please don't forget that!!! Especially when you've had a rough dar or perhaps your fresh out of an abusive relationship and you keep replaying those stupid words in your head over and over again. .. and you just can't get them to stop!! SAVE this picture and remember YOU ARE ENOUGH.. you are so AMAZING its RIDICULOUS !!! #befearless #befearlessbefree@youarenough #mentalhealthsupport #roughday #domesticviolence #domesticviolencesurvivor #mentalhealthisimportant #mentalhealth #bedifferent #be amazing People often ask me how do I write?
Why do I do what I do? Anybody else ever deal with this? I got my first typewriter at 7 and I would type until I had to turn the ribbon over and start o ver...my favorite story line was George the monkey and the Man in the Yellow Hat. I had George all over the place!!! I kept writing even through college.... then I stopped.... You cannot hide from who you are suppose to be !!! Please keep moving forward.... #befearless #befearlessbefree @ilovewords #imanauthor #beawriter #imawriter #betruetoyou #knowwhoyouare Have you found yourself yet? This is the most critical think in the world when you start to change your life!! You have desire to know yourself and redefine and find yourself daily. As a survivor of domestic violence I believed everything that my abuser told me. I believed it- I repeated it- and I lived it ! I believed it to be true!!! I mean, he said he loved me and he told me these things every single day!!! Afterwards, when I took the time to actually look at myself- to hear what I was thinking - and this is crucial as well- YOU HAVE TO HEAR YOURSELF... This is your opportunity to find yourself and to decide how you want to live your life from this point on! Recreate and give yourself new words - find yourself!! When you find yourself...it is an amazing feeling...when you realize your worth...who you are...why you are...and you become yourself...there is no better feeling in the world.. So have you found yourself yet ? #findyourself #whoareyou #befearless #befearlessbefree #knowyourselfworth#knowyourself |
AuthorHey guys!! I am J’Anmetra Waddell the ONLY Live Past Crazy Specialist. Archives
April 2019